Is a Wine Tour Worth the Money?

It can be hard to justify the cost of some services in the Internet age. Why pay a travel agent when a simple web search can yield 10 different prices for flights? Why pay for a handyman when an instructional video on-line shows you exactly how to replace a toilet? Some people even wonder whether it’s worth it to pay for tour guides when so much information about places is available through web searches.

There is a cost difference in paying for a wine tour versus creating your own custom wine tour. Many people look at this as an opportunity to save some money. In truth, it might be worth double-checking what you’re missing out on while saving that money.

Designated Driver

The most basic thing to remember in a DIY wine tour is that someone must be the designated driver. This person will not be tasting wines with the rest of the group. They may be tempted to take “just a sip.” Thing is, that sip ten times over at four wineries adds up to a lot more than a mouthful. If the designated driver has any lapse in their self-control then the financial costs of a DUI should be enough to suggest a wine tour instead of a self-guided tour.

Variety is the Spice of Life

Internet research can only get you so far. Companies that put on wine tours choose the wineries carefully. They want to give their guests a wide range of experiences and part of how they do that is the wineries they choose. When someone sets up their own wine tour they are naturally more likely to stick with what they know, skipping new experiences that may be had while on a wine tour.

A Guide Knows More Than You

Just going from one winery to another tasting wine is OK. Hearing about the history of the wineries and local being driven through is something entirely different. Not only will the wine tour guide have a wealth of information to share on the tour, they likely know the people working the wineries and often get you more than a simple tasting room visit.

If you’re considering a wine tour North of LA contact Limo 805 today. Let our experienced drivers make sure you get the most out of your visit.

The Greatest Birthday Gifts For Your Best Friend this Year

There’s only one person who will hold your hair back while you puke your guts out, text you 15 minutes into that first date, pick you up from work when your parents got in an accident, and stand by you on your wedding day. Your best friend.

You may have known each other since second grade, or you may have shared an instant bond when you met at your last job. In either case, your best friend is there for you through thick and thin. They will take your side, even when it’s wrong. They will help pick up the pieces after everything falls apart. The question is, what will you do for them? What are the best birthday gifts to show your appreciation for the best friend in your life?

Go Personal

There is a long history of giving personalized gifts to important people. What helps your best friend remember a late night of drinking better than a mug matching the one used by the bar? That same mug with their name and a short saying from the night engraved on it. Just adding a name doesn’t mean much, a toaster with a name is still a toaster. Try to find a gift with meaning, a knife for a hunting friend or a compact for a clubbing friend, and get that engraved with both their name and a saying you share.

Practical is out, Meaningful is in

A new hair dryer might be on your friends list of needs, but it isn’t a great best friend gift. Find something that ties back to when you met. Even better, find something that commemorates your best times together. This is your best friend, not your brother.

Skip Stuff, Give Experiences

Ten years from now the phone case you found today won’t fit their phone. The shoes you picked out won’t be in style anymore, and the chocolate bar will be long gone. What does last is memories. Give a skydiving experience, a wine tour, or a night on the town. Get a birthday limo rental from a reputable company, such as Limo 805 in Los Angeles, and have a party night to remember.

How to Solve the Biggest Problems with Airport Shuttles

Of all the airport transportation services, out there the airport shuttle seems like the best bet at first glance. A shared shuttle cuts down on per rider costs, and they’re available 24/7. Starting to think a little more critically about it, that shared service is part of the downsides of airport shuttles.

Shared Cost, Shared Ride

The concept of the airport shuttle is a shared ride with the total cost split between riders. That means you’re essentially calling a group taxi with no idea who is in the group, or where they are. The shuttle will pick you up, either before or after some other people. Hopefully everybody’s luggage fits. Also, hopefully everyone has cleaned up for the trip. While there may be a small money savings here, the soft costs of sharing the ride to the airport may outweigh the monetary savings.

All the Comforts of Mass Transit

Airport shuttles are generally bare-bones 15 passenger vans that get a lot of use. While they might be more comfortable than riding a city bus, they very well may not be. Beyond the seating is the vehicle itself. Just like paying an extra $10 for an exit row on the plane makes sense, paying a little more to get a comfortable ride to and from the airport makes sense.

Impersonal Service

Most airport shuttle drivers are independent contractors. Their business and reputation ride on the airport shuttle brand, not their own. Their income rides on reporting the riders they gave rides to back to the service, not collecting fares. As such their primary customer is the airport shuttle service, leaving the people riding as secondary customers at best. Sometimes paying a little extra for that personal touch can make the end of a long trip so much more enjoyable.

If you’re flying in or out of LA or Burbank why not opt for something a little nicer than an airport shuttle? A limo or town car is much more comfortable, personal, and not as expensive as you may think. Call Limo 805 at 805-443-2233 today to get a quote for your trip.